
Beijing-Qinhuangdao Expressway Successfully Handed Over and Accepted


On December 26, 2022, Zunqin section of Jingqin Expressway held a summary meeting for handing over and acceptance, and passed the handing over and acceptance after comprehensive evaluation by the acceptance committee.


Wang Zhenhai, Vice General Manager of Science and Technology and Performance Management Department of Foundation Department (CCBF); Zhu Yijia, Vice General Manager of Northern Company of Foundation Department (CCBF), Commander of Hebei Expressway Project Command, Chairman of Shanxi CCBF, Du Yanzhao, Chief Engineer, Project Manager of Zunqin Project of Beijing-Qin Expressway of CCBF, and representatives of government supervision agencies, all members of the Handover Acceptance Committee, representatives of shareholders, leadership team of Management Office and all Section and department heads, design unit heads, director and deputy director of each superintendent's office, construction project manager and general engineer attended the acceptance meeting. The acceptance committee made acceptance assessment from seven aspects, including comprehensive, roadbed pavement, bridge engineering, tunnel engineering, traffic safety facilities, housing construction and internal work.

Zheng Yanjun, director of the Highway Department of the Hebei Provincial Transportation Department, made a concluding speech, pointing out that the successful handover and acceptance of the Jingqin Expressway marked the successful completion of the target tasks set by the provincial party committee and the provincial government, and also made a contribution to the collaborative development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, and traffic integration. He stressed that the Jingqin Expressway is the largest single project in Hebei Province, and is also the first batch of "Peaceful Centennial Quality Project" demonstration projects identified by the Ministry of Communications, and the participating units should systematically sort out and summarize their experiences and highlights to provide valuable construction experience for the future highway construction in Hebei Province.


The entire section from Zunhua to Qian'an, constructed by China Construction Company Limited, is located in the territory of Tangshan City, with a total length of 48.6 kilometers. The total length of the main line is 48.6 km, with 8.85 million m³ of fill, 6.2 million m³ of excavation, 11,549/21 bridges, 11,712/7 tunnels, 4 interchanges, including 2 hub interchanges and 2 service interchanges, 2 ramp toll stations, 2 service areas and 1 maintenance area.

Beijing-Qinhuangdao Expressway Zunqin project is a parallel line of the Beijing-Harbin Expressway, which plays an important role in diverting the traffic of Beijing-Harbin Expressway, and will form a fast and direct passage from Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region to the northeast via Tangshan and the northern area of Qinhuangdao after its opening, greatly reducing the mileage and time of travel, effectively improving the traffic conditions along the route and truly creating a one-hour traffic circle in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei.